Saturday, January 28, 2012


              When I was young I experienced chaos. My childhood was not all chaos. Growing up I had it all. My parents were very supportive, they helped me with school work, went to my ball games, and anything else my siblings and I ever did. But with all the great memerories I still remember the day that chaos set in on my life. I came home from school and my parents, who never ever argued in front of us kids and always seemed like they had it together, told me that they were getting divorced. Some people may think that this would not create chaos but as a child, I was in 4th grade, it was so devasting. My dad moved out and I become the victim of 2 parents hating each other and trying to win our love which they already had. The next few years was constant chaos trying to please both of threm while at the same time not hurting them. Now that I am 27 I understand alot of things that I did not understand when I was younger. I now understand they both were trying to do what they thought was the best for their children. I still and will always remember that day that my chaos set in but its just a memory now.
             Many children share the same chaos that I had. Divorce  is so high in the United States. Divorce most times causes chaos but a bad marriage at the same time causes chaos as well so I am not going to say that one is better than the other. This post is not about which is right because I am not to say or give my opinion but just to tell my story about my chaos.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Child Birth

 I have not had any children yet but I did take part in the birth of my
niece. My younger sister asked me to be in the delivery room. She was induced
so I got their around 8am. They had her on an IV and broke her water. She had
alot of different options to help manage the pain like get in a tub or sit on
a exercise ball. When the pain got to much she got an epideral. At 1202, the
doctor came in and she began to push. Soon after my niece was born. It was
such a joyous experience.
    I never really thought about how it would be different giving birth in
another country so I decided to look about Kenya. It was so different. There
was noone around while this mother was giving birth. She squated over the
floor and literally gave birth on the floor. Once she gave birth a neighbor
came over and tied a string around the imbilical cord and cut it. She then put
the baby in a pail of water and then laid it on the bed. It was not a joyous
moment. The mother did not even pick up the child or anything. She said that
this was her 8th child and she could not feed any of them. It was very sad and
so very different from the birth that I experienced.


       I choose nutrition and malnutrition because it is close to my heart. The school that I teach at has many low income families. Some of my students eat at school and do not know if they will get dinner at night. Many students are on the backpack program on the weekends which is a program that sends backpacks full of food home for the students on the weekends.
       I chose to research about nutrition and malnutrition in Africa. I was completely shocked when I begam to read about this topic. A child in Africa dies every six minutes from malnutrition. I can not imagine watching young children or anyone for that matter die because they are hunger. Twelve million people across this region need food aid and every night someone goes to bed hungry.     
      Kids who are hungry can not concentrate. If a child is malnourished during the first two years of life, the growth and development may be slowed and it can not be made up when children get older. With this information I plan to make sure that my hungry students get to breakfast everyday. I will also pledge to do anything that I possible can to help anyone that is hungry.